Friday, December 13, 2013

Have Some Fun with Window Bird Feeders

Any of us who enjoy watching our backyard birds will appreciate a window bird feeder during the winter months. Well, we won't be the only ones. The birds will appreciate it, too.

The value of helping our birds during the cold or snow covered days we know is important. But, we can do that while watching them from the comfort of our own home with window bird feeders. I'm a fan of them, yes. 3 of my windows have the feeders in place.

I will warn you from experience though. Choose the window where you want to put your feeder carefully. You still have to be able to reach it to clean it out and refill it. And I'm not talking about only once a year when you get the ladder out!

Window bird feeders as a rule aren't very large capacity. They hold only a cup or so of bird feed. If you like to feed lots of birds, then get several. But please make sure you refill them regularly. The birds will learn to find food there and will return. Until they discover there isn't any food left! So take care of them.

Just a quick reminder to take a little time to clean the window area where you will put your window bird feeder. This will help the suction cups to adhere to your glass better. Be sure to use the appropriate bird seed for the kinds of birds that are in your area, too.

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