Friday, May 11, 2012

Bird Watching in Our Own Backyard

Our own backyard is an ideal place to do some fun bird watching. The bird behavior we can see right out our own windows can be quite entertaining. In the spring time especially, the birds are busy finding mates, building nests, then raising young.

Besides watching behavior you can also listen to the birds. You can hear the melodic calls of male song birds as they attract mates and announce that they have control over a certain territory. Listen for the Robin's song. He will sing from pre-dawn to after dusk. I often think he sings just because he can. He must like the sound of his little melodies as much as I do.

Make sure you have a good pair ofbinoculars so that you can see the tiny birds as they go about their daily activities. And watch for those small movements that signal alarm or the pleasure in finding the a fat juicy worm to feed their ever-hungry young.

You can usually see both parents working tirelessly to search out food and bring it back to feed those little ones. Those little ones grow quickly and must be able to survive on their own before the cooler weather sets in and they must travel south with their parents.

So arm yourself with a little knowledge from Backyard Bird World and enjoy some time watching the birds that share your backyard.

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